Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The first Blog

What are your beliefs about how people learn best? What is the purpose of learning theory in educational technology?
I believe that people learn best through motivation, interest and curiosity.   The purpose of learning theory in educational technology is finding the basis for technology and how it applies to enhancing learning in a student's experience. Also, educational technology's learning theory should be as flexible as the technology dictates. 
What are the critical elements of a learning theory?
According to Siemens:  Conceptualization, Experimentation, Implementation and Communication.  All of these elements are able to be applied to the current attempts to construct a viable educational theory. 

Did Driscoll and Siemens miss any key questions or criteria? Apparently both Driscoll and Siemens, who agree in most areas concerning cognitive/constructivist theory, glossed over "collaboration" - which is key for most theoretical construction. I have noticed, that most research has been done collaboratively.  There are few single authored research studies in this particular area. 

Critique Siemens’s “metaphors of educators.” Which of these metaphors best describes the role you believe an instructor should take in a digital classroom or workplace? Is there a better metaphor to reflect your view of the role of instructors?

Siemens' use of metaphors of educators is unique:

Educator as Master Artist (my take on this):  The student is a blank canvas and seeks only an artist to bring out the hidden beauty of knowledge.  Or, as I heard one artist remark, (I'm sorry I don't remember exactly who said this) "All I do is start with clay, and cut away everything that doesn't look like what I envision"  or something like it. :(

Educator as Network Administrator:  Considering the way that distance education is going, and the decline of the brick and mortar universities and public schools (economic recession et al), the Educator must learn to manage a network of collaborating students; He/she must be a facilitator and guide allowing students to find their level of knowing.

Educator as Concierge:  The Educator provides the necessary tools and materials to assist the student in the journey of learning...acting as guide and attendant when the student loses sight of his/her goal.

Educator as Curator:  What does the curator of a museum or library do?  The curator "cares" for the knowledge entrusted to him/her for the benefit of the public.  The curator is an educator.  An educator's responsibility is to "care" for the information that has been entrusted to him, and to pass that knowledge along to those who seek it. 

I especially liked Siemens concluding paragraph: (p. 26)

When knowledge is seen as existing in networks, and learning as forming and navigating these networks, many existing aspects of academia are subject to change. First, teachers interact with learners and content in a different manner. The internet has caused a power shift in classrooms, as learners now have greater access information, experts, and peer learners. Secondly, instructional designers, due to the developing complexity of tools and availability of open education resources, play an educational role of directing educators to tools and resources. These two foundational changes, while presented here as a conceptual discussion and in need of additional experimentation and evaluation, may serve as levers for broader changes within the academy.

1 comment:

  1. I have followed:

    Wanda Androin-Bailey and Christine Moore (April 2, 2011)
